1- "Love was just a word before you showed it to me." 2- "The one that love us never really leaves us." 3- ...

Quotes About Arrogance
1- "Be humble!" 2- "Dont brag about your self, let others praise you." 3- "Don't ask me to do s...

Quotes About Trust
1- Reagen: "I trust, but verify." 2- DR. Joyce Brothers: "Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts...

Quotes About Words
1- "If you've made your point, stop talking." 2- Germain G. Glien: "The older I grow the more I listen to pe...

Quotes About Forgetting
1- "Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you!" 2- "The first to apologise is the bravest. The fir...

Qoutes About Laughter
1-Charlie Chaplin: "A day withaout laughter is a day wasted". 2- Milton Berle: "Laughter ia an instanst vacation...
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