Quotes About Trust

1- Reagen:
"I trust, but verify."

2- DR. Joyce Brothers:
"Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just bellow the conscious level."

"Be careful who you trust, if someone will discuss others whit you, they will certainly discuss you with others."

4- Shakespeare:
"Love all, trust a few."

"When someone breaks your trust. Don't feel stupid for trusting them. You didn't do anything wrong, they're just an untrustworthy person."

"Never trust anyone who says, "I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but.."."

"Trust takes years to build, second to break, and forever to repair."

"Me. I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly it's the honest ones you have to watch out for, you never can predict..."

"Trust is like a paper, once it's crumpled..it can't be perfect."

"Trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller and smaller after every mistake."

"A relationship with no trust is like a cell phone with no service, all you can do is play games."

"Trus is like a vase, once it's broken, though you can fix it the vase will never be same again."
quotes about trust 2

"Trust is like a mirror, once its broken, you can never look at it the same again."

"Broken trust is like a melted chocolate, no matter how you tried to freeze it, it will never return to its original shape."

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    Quotes About Words

    quote about words

    "If you've made your point, stop talking."

    2- Germain G. Glien:
    "The older I grow the more I listen to people who don't talk much".

    3- Plato:
    "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something."

    "Your words has power, use them wisely."

    "Better to remind silent than make things worse with word."

    "A wise person, knows when and how to keep his mouth shut."

    "It is the mouth that cuts the throath."

    "Your tongue is fire."

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      Quotes About Forgetting

      quotes about forgetting

      "Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you!"
      "The first to apologise is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And thw first to forget is the happiest."

      "Forget the ones that forget you."

      "Never forget the types of people in your live:- who helped you in your difficult times.- who left you in your difficult times.- who put you in difficult times."

      "Rever let the things you want make you forget the thing you have."

      "I might have erased your texts, but i will never forget what you wrote."

      "Sleep: A cure to forget about pain, problems, stress, everything for a while."

      "Forget the past that make you cry and focus on the present that completes your smile."

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        Qoutes About Laughter

        quotes about laughter

        1-Charlie Chaplin:
        "A day withaout laughter is a day wasted".

        2- Milton Berle:
        "Laughter ia an instanst vacation".

        3- Walt Disney Company:
        "Laughter is America's most important export".

        4- George R.R. Martin:
        "Laughter is poison to fear".

        5- Maya Angelou:
        "I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh".

        6- Victor Burge:
        "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people".

        7- Mark Twain:
        "The human race has only one raelly effective weapon and that is lauhgter".

        8- Unknown:
        "Life is better when you're laughing".

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